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Sarah was no longer concerned with how she looked, or
showing her ass to the world and feeling embarrassed. She was fully engulfed by
the helplessness and sexual arousal it brought. A sudden hard smack jolted her
ass. Yelping and surging forward, she moved just as her Master had planned, and
a rubber ball filled her open mouth. He pulled her head down and secured the
straps behind her head, then produced a knife. Sarah’s eyes went wide with
terror as he slid the knife down between her breasts and cut her shirt away.
Not being able to scream, and afraid to move she hung there, her heart
threatening to beat right of her chest. The skirt fell to the floor as the
blade tore through it with ease, then she felt the cold steel of the blade
against her skin as he slipped it under the thong at her hipbone. One side then
the other, and the thong hit the floor. Calming a bit at the realization this
man was not going to cut her, she regained control of her breathing as he
sliced the shirt off her arms. Now totally naked except for her bonds, she was
totally at his mercy. Once again his hands slid across her body. Once caressing
her tits while the other parted her pussy lips and finding her clit, stroking
it till it hardened at his touch. She moaned and shifted her hips forward
trying to slip his finger deep into her. An evil chuckle rumbled out of him as
he slid his fingers up her shaven muff and across her abdomen leaving a trail
of moister from her now sopping pussy. “Let’s get you somewhere more fun,” he
stated rising and bending to keep from hitting his head. He leaned in closer,
licking a nipple as he stepped back by the door. Sarah moaned at feeling his
hot tongue. “Yes you will be lots of fun tonight” he smirked opening the door
and stepping out. He paused with the door open leering at her helpless form as
a ray of light lit up her naked bound body, the light glistening off the
moisture on her inner thighs. The door slammed shut, and everything went dim
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